TikTok AI applications Google Analytics Customer personas

Understanding your audience through customer personas

Do you have a clear understanding of your target audience and their customer journey from exposure of your product or service through to discovery, consideration, conversion and then ultimately retention? If not, it can highly beneficial to take the time to create a customer persona for each key segment of your audience. Customer personas are …

e-commerce business

Setting up an e-commerce business? What you need to know

If you are considering launching an e-commerce business, it may be quite sobering to consider that 90% of online businesses fail within just 120 days. According to research*, the main reasons these businesses give for their failure include: What each of these reasons tells us, is that these online businesses failed because the owners failed …

Sustainable Marketing

Does Digital Jargon Leave You Out In The Cold?

Download our Digital Marketing Glossary for an explanation of the terms you need to understand your digital and social marketing programs. From Alt tags to Remarketing, learn more about the terms commonly used in digital marketing. The terms span services such as website design, SEO, social media and online advertising campaigns. Give us a call …

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